Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 30

Finals are almost done.
Weekly goal
 Finish finals and set concrete meeting times and plans for this summer.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Week 29

Our paper is done and we have sat down to discuss our summer plans. We plan to investigate a recurrent Neural Network structure instead of a Convolutional one. We also plan to investigate new metric ideas instead of focusing only on the standard metric. All of these ideas came from attending confrences and talking to people, so I thank all of them for their input!
Weekly goal
Study and succeed in our finals.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Week 28

Our final paper is well on its way to completeness. We have everything transferred over from our other papers now we are just finishing odds and ends and struggling with ensuring our citations are correctly logged in Zotoro.
Here is an exert of our paper~
Question-and-answer (Q&A) websites like Stack Overflow require users to attach up to five tags when they submit a question. However, users may assign tags that are not relevant to the question. A better approach would be to recommend to users the most appropriate tags for their question and let them choose. The goal of this project is to combine newly developed natural language representations together with deep learning algorithms to improve the prediction accuracy of tags for Stack Overflow questions. We used word representations generated by word2vec and a Convolutional Neural Network. 
Weekly Goal
Finish the paper!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Week 27

The STEM Showcase went well. We had a lot of young students come up to talk to us about our research, so hopefully we inspired some young programmers. We also sat down and started discuusing what will be needed in our final report.
Weekly Goal
Look through the papers we have written to submit to conferences and expand where needed for the final paper.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week 26

We presented at COFSP and were the second place team for our set of judges. We had a tough time presenting as one of our judges specialized in Natural Language processing and Deep learning and our other judge did not even know what Machine Learning is. We were given some great advice by the knowledgeable judge that we plan to implement during our summer extension.
Weekly Goal
We have one more day of presenting at our school's STEM Showcase.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Week 25

This week was QUEST, a research competition at our university. We participated and presented to 2 judges, using all that we learned from our first conference. We were able to give informed presentations that had the judges asking us deep questions about our model.\
Weekly Goal
The COFSP conference is this weekend, so staying prepared to present. Also, including fasttext into our analysis.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Week 24

I presented at the SIAM conference and was a participant in the BE (Broader Engagement) Program through SHI. I learned so much and made invaluable connections. I also was able to present in front of bigger audiences than I'd ever had the chance to so I was able to improve skills that can help me convey this research in the future.
Weekly Goal
It's spring break so we plan to FaceTime at our normal time and discuss any changes we want to make to the poster before our next conference and start to improve the code. We are hoping to fix the labeling problem when using fasttext soon.